Permanent Eyeliner

What is Permanent eyeliner?

Permanent eyeliner is a technique that utilizes a permanent makeup machine that applies pigment to the Lash Line. Thickness color and shape can be customized according to your goals. Results last up to 5 years. Topical numbing is used as often as needed for comfort.

Types of eyeliner

  • Dusty Eyeliner

    Dusty eyeliner consists of building up the lash line and adding shading. This creates a smudged or shaded look. Customizable to exactly what you want with or without a wing.


  • Top and bottom eyeliner

    Top and Bottom eyeliner is applied to the top and bottom lash line. Length thickness and color is all customizable to your wants and needs.


  • Eyelash enhancement eyeliner

    Eyelash enhancement eyeliner is applied just to the top lash line, defining the eyes without looking heavy or unnatural.


Pre care and After care

Pre care:

  • Discontinue the use of eyelash growths serums such as Latisse and others 6 months prior. (It thins the eyelid skin)

  • Avoid medical grade skin care around the eyes two weeks prior.

  • Avoid waterproof mascara two days prior.

  • Avoid tanning or direct sunlight on the eye area two weeks prior.

  • Alcohol or blood thinners (unless prescribed by doctor) 24 hours prior.

After care:

Immediately after procedure wipe down eyes with wet wipe every 30 min for 2 hours. Washing the eye area morning and night for 10 days with cool water outside the shower. Applying a tiny amount of healing salve as needed.

Avoiding eye makeup, sweat, direct sunlight or tanning, and any skin care on the area for 10 days.

What to expect:

Day one: feels like a sunburn. Eyes can feel heavy or slightly irritated. Slight swelling along the lash line. Can use ice and ibuprofen.

Day 2-10 dry and itchy. Might have flaky skin. Healed results in 2-6 weeks depending on skin type.

Touch up pricing

Top eyeliner :

Before 1 year:
Eyelash enhancement: 100
Dusty/wing: 150
After 1 year:
Eyelash enhancement: 200
Dusty/wing: 250
After 3 years: cost of new

Top and bottom:

Before 1 year:
After 1 year:
After 3 years:
Cost of new


Before 1 year:
After 1 year:
After 3 years: cost of new


  • Topical numbing is applied prior and during appointment as often as needed. There is little to no pain.

  • I have black, black brown, and brown. I don’t often use brown as when faded it tends to be very light.

  • If you’re worried about it looking too harsh with black or black brown, that’s the great thing about permanent makeup. When healed it will be much softer than if you were to apply it with makeup. We will saturate less at our initial appointment and we can always add more color later.

  • While it is healing you’ll want to avoid mascara and eyeshadow for 10-14 days. But after you are free to go about your normal makeup routine.